Are the driveshafts on an 8" and on a 7.5" the same length? Are they the same lengths on 302 and a 200 I6? Thanks everyone! Steve
My Sprint was originally a 200 3 speed manual, then a 302 c4 (didnt have clutch linkage), then a 302 T10 4 speed, and lastly 302 toploader 4 speed. Same drive shaft fit all versions, although I had a new one made to handle the added ponies. I just took the original down to A1 Driveshaft and said make me one just like it only stronger.
If you want a low buck replacement thats stronger, get one off a 1996-2004 Mustang. Same length as a 2 dr mav.
Well, I have a 73 with a 302 automatic but the roof is rusted out. I just found a 70-72 with a I6 200 and the body is damn near perfect. I wanted to transplant the 302 into the good body, but I didnt want to have to swap out the rears just yet. So I guess I'm asking if I'll be able to use the driveshaft from my 73 on when I drop the motor in.
i have the stock ...small dia... 2Dr. shaft in my ''s 7/8" longer than the ...mustang...shaft that is "a direct fit" ......
Wasn't the 7.5 rear a 70 / early 71 use only. If they are different lenghts just hang onto the 73 shaft along with the rear end for a later swap.
If you're questioning my post, here's a little background: My 77 Comet was converted to a V8 by some previous owner. The driveshaft that came with it looked to be the puny one pictured above. When I swapped the 331 in, I swapped that shaft with a bigger one from a 68 Stang. It truned out to be out of round at the back end. I bought a 2002 Stang shaft off ebay that measured 45.75" ctr to ctr. This was .25" longer than the other two shafts I had (both the Comet shaft and the 68 Stang shaft were 45.5" if I recall) One inch either way usually doesn't hurt anything, unless the shaft you're replacing is too long or short to begin with. The 45.5 shaft was a tad on the short side for mine, I wasn't comfortable with the amount of slip yoke that was into the tailhousing and went to a longer yoke and the slightly longer 2002 shaft.
not questioning...just stating some facts, something to look out for..kinda like Dave with 2 diff length stock driveshafts... ...:Handshake...
:16suspectDon't misinterpret the "questioning" part. Probably a poor choice of wording on my part. Just wanted to clarify the length capability of driveshafts in our cars. There's some room for plus or minus at least an inch of length in searching for driveshafts.
Yeah I replaced my 70 with one off of a 73, there was a slight difference in length...but we made it fit and there was no vibration in the car whatsoever