Nice drawing but it does look a little too much like the new 'Stang, but then the old Mav had some stang in it too I guess. I had this Idea that car makers should Bring back the exact same bodies ( with less rust catching areas better rsut inhibitors etc but Put modern mechanicals, interiors etc , Dodge just about did that exact thing with the Challenger concept. I hate dodges but that is one bad Assed lookin' car.
I would take a Maverick body and mate it with a new Mustang frame, drivetrain, and suspention. From there I would tweek the body as little as necessary to conform with safety and aerodynamics. The chrome bumpers, drip rails, and recessed side glass will be gone but if done right, could look like a new Maverick. The interior would have to be brought up to safety standards but could still be retro much as the Mustang is. If it didn't look like a Maverick I would not want it built unless Ford calls it a Fairmont. Don't ruin the name of the best looking car ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!
God help us calling it a Fairmont, those cars didn't exactly have a good reputation, Horn button on the turn signal??? What were they smoking when they did that? When you hit your horn button last thing you want to do is try to find a button on the end of a trun signal switch when some guy is cutting you off. Anyway I sure like calling it a Grabber or how about a Ford Sprint, or Ford Stallion. And of course you couldn't go wrong have a Mercury Comet name revived. How does a Mercury GT sound? Lets think big and make the Maverick Fords answer to the "Vette". How about a new Torino? Cyclone, the problem with the ?T-bird is it shoudl have ahd performance on Par wiht the Vette, Here's some food for thought though the Mav sold so well in similar circumstances as today, The Japanese were building small Fuel efficent cars, and America had to Answer..TaDAAA the MAverick, sold like crazy. Maybe they need a car like the Mav to answer the imports again. Lets have a bullet proof tranny, 24 valve 6 (SHO) ? Answer performance and fuel economy with a hybrid. Definately rear wheel drive but have traction control. REmember the car that saved Chryslers A_ _ was the most under powered boring piece of _rap K car line, infact everything was built of that same platform stretched and widend clear up into the early ninties.
I vote no on bringing the Maverick back. Nothing is as good the second time around. Your son is quite the artist, I am very impressed. Dan
a new MAVERICK should have what the original had: 1.- simple mechanics. ( THE LESS sensors, the better) 2.- fastback look-alike. 3.- rear traction. (7.5-8.8 DIFF) 4.- round front lights. 5.- small taillights like the original. (LEDS) 6.- CHEAP PRICES, GOOD LOOKS (9,900-13,000 dlls max) 7.-REAR GAS CAP 8.- A LITTLE SMALLER THAN THE MUSTANG 9.- BIG ENGINE COMPARTMENT and easy conversion TO INSTALL VINTAGE V8`S (351, 460´S). tell me where they sell this and i go right now to place an order.
very nice. I would bring the front bumper down to line up with the back and floor. Black out the grill and headlights and put strips leading up to the scoops and the front of the hood where it sits lower. Bring the hood up a little "Really like the design of the hood". and extend the rear a bit with a grabber spoiler. But I really do like the design. And you said you have a concept of a chevelle? What year? I have a 66 chevelle. I wanna see! Awsome keep up the good work.
alot of people definatly remember mavericks and they seem to have a really good reputation. at the very least sticking the name on a small/mid size car would probably help sales "Maverick" just sounds cool anyway
I say no because nobody would think my car is the new maverick anymore Yes I get it alot "that's great they brought the maverick back" aleast nobodys called it a Vega
I can't see how they'd match the cheap, simple, clean design they sold to our parents and grandparents 35 years ago. Headlights for my Comet are $10.00 each. Headlights for my G/F's Honda are $325.00 each. Computer, distributor and oxygen sensor problems on the Honda have cost $1500.00. I think the voltage regulator in the Comet was $15.00. New cars are designed for dealership profit in maintenance. They don't make cheap economy cars any more. But your son's drawing captures some of the clean fastback look of the original. Can he come up with a modern variant of the Comet's taillights updated with LED's?
Yea, bring it back! Maverick Electro Grabber! Did you know that GM had a electric Corvair in 1965? It was called the Electovair.