Hi! I'm woundering if a Mustang 5.0 Electronic Fuel Injection could fit on my 1973 V8 302ci engine! Any answers? Thanks!
There are people on here who have done that conversion and have been able to fit it under the hood. I'm sure someone will jump in and tell ya.
I put EFI right on top of my '77 302. I didn't even change the cam. My first setup was speed density ('86 Mercury Marquis), and then I converted to a mass air setup from a '93 Mustang. As far as the motor goes, you can swap in the manifold and the EFI distributor/coil. It's all the other little details that take time, like the wiring harness, fuel pump, oxygen sensors, mounting the EEC, etc. I've also installed a device called a "twEECer" that allows me to adjust the tune to make the car run right. Instead of doing that you could have a chip made that can "shut off" emissions equipment you may not be using so it doesn't confuse the computer. I've even carried over my EFI to my new 351:
So you did not change the cam, but how about the firing order isn't it different? from the H.O to the regular 302?
Yeah, the EFI is set up for the 351/H.O. 302 firing order, and my old motor's cam had the non-H.O. firing order. The thing is, the two injectors that fire at a different time are not as big a deal as you might think. They are opening and closing so fast that the motor almost doesn't notice it. I've heard that it can cause a slightly rougher idle, but I never really noticed it. That said, I eventually bought a twEECer and I was able to edit the firing order so that it was correct. After I blew the 302 last year on the way home from the Gathering I ended up dropping in a 351, so I've switched back to the 351/H.O. firing order. There are issues with switching the wiring to the injectors because the injectors are from opposite banks, and what happens is when you switch them around it confuses the oxygen sensors a bit because the fuel/air charge is on the wrong bank. I guess what I'm saying is you are trading one issue for another, although the car will still run ok and it would not be that noticable. To do it "right" you either need to swap cams or get an tuning device like the twEECer or get a custom made chip...
Heh...and this incarnation of my car really has a much cleaner engine compartment compared to when I had the 302!
good to know! thanks! I have a 302 back in Brazil and I have shipped a Efi setup from a 91 stang with air flow so I was worried about the injectors firing order