So I just picked this up today, its a 73 (I think) I know it'll be asked, payed about $600 for it Its been ratted out, I plan to refine it but I love the rat rod look so it will stay a rat rod I plan on midifying the interior with existing mopar and 442 and etc interior parts that I already have, it will look nice inside though, not thrown together Runs great, has all new brakes, shocks, struts, etc Im working on getting the title figured out, I got it with a bill of sale so hopefully it all works out 351 windsor, supposedly hopped up, it doesnt have as much guts as the guy selling it said it I either need to figure out what to do to knock the dust off of it or accept that I got ripped off. he said it had been sitting for a while, but it drove 2+ hours home with little to no problems mechainically The hood is butched, probably cover it with a scoop or get a replacement Any way to delete the front and rear bumper plastics? I prefer the clean chrome look without having to choose from either holes or cracked plastic. Any ideas? I was thinking there was a bumper from a comet or diff year maverick without rubber inserts that would fit Issues: wont go into reverse, how hard is the shifter linkage to tweak? came with a small battery, when I turn the lights on it wants to die, and it needs jumped each time. How do I test the Alt., disconnect the batt while car is running, and if it doesnt die the alt is good? Im working on getting a new batt. The headlights are REALLY dull, could this be because of the small battery? the speedo does not work at all, how can I troubleshoot this? I have access to a few speedos I can rat in if I have to, seeing as it will be a rat rod anyways, but Id rather have stock anyone know of any rear seats that will fit in without too much hassle? I have nice vinyl black seats out of a nissan but the rears are way too wide, could cut them down I suppose also edit: heres the interior. It came to me missing a seat, carpet, and headliner, and needing a dash pad but otherwise fixable. I am recovering the dash myself, and doing the headliner and carpet soon Thanks all, Cheers!
Looks like a great car for the money. The first number on the VIN plate on the dash is the year of the car. Do a search on small bumper swap and see what you can do with the big bumper. Good luck and welcome to the board.
Thats what i was thinking. Ill pay you how much you paid for the maverick for the challenger. Then you would have $600 more for your project
sure looks like a 73 to me small bumper in back with extenders, mid sized bumper in front. All you have to do for the front is tuck the bumpers(or you could use the telephone pole technique as some of the members have used) or go with an earlier model bumper. As for the back it is the same as the earlier ones just with a spacer in it you need to replace the mounting brackets with the earlier ones and take the spacers out.