I found a guy in san jose that put a 427 into his(he has a low quality, old, video on youtube), he said he shaved back the towers and everything fit
Shock towers are the biggest challenge.... they pretty much are in the way in a 351W swap. Dyno Don put a 427 SOHC in one of his Pro Stock cars that still had shock towers ... they were sectioned pretty hard. Going to a Mustang II-style suspension is probably the best solution... no towers!
A guy in PHX was running a 72 Maverick very mild 460 , C6, 9" w/3:55's and 60 series drag radials into the low 13 high 12 range. he had to use stock exh manifolds and didn't trim the towers all that bad. you are gonna be building headers for it if you want headers, but making 500HP out of a 460 is as easy and as cheep as you are gonna get. I'll be going with a Lima Big Block, and keep ya posted. If you (or Dyno Don) can get a cammer in a Maverick than a 429/460 should be easy.
I think that car came out on an episode of pinks... if a 429/460 swap was easy we would all have them Also the SOHC engines have the spark plugs next to the intake....i dont know how you would swap the plugs on a 460 and shaved shocktowers..
Worst BBF install i have ever seen... Heres some nice ones I think this one has a mustang front clip/subframe on it.. Dyno Don Some guy in California at the All ford Show..
A sprint that was for sale a while ago... Pro stock Comet.. A member here, this car came out in PHR i think. Another member on here..
If it had a crappy light blue paint w/white painted top then that would be the one easy would depend on your skills The cammer is still wider than the Lima at it's widest point regaurdless on the plug location 32 inches for SOHC and 27 inches for the Lima. must have been fun getting the headers bolted up on Don's Maverick I wouldn't consider keeping the shock towers w/o them there is plenty of room even though the second pic in your #7 post shows that much of the tower was retained and still maintained decent plug access (relitively speaking). Block plate mounts open up alot of room as well. getting rid of the stock engine mounts frees up quite a bit of room for the exhaust
There's a guy around here running a 428 CJ in his Maverick and it is baaaaddd! But it has a straight axle and no towers.