Can someone point me to a good place to learn about tuning the obd I Ford MAF/SD systems? Mainly looking to find out if you can socket the ECU then run a tuning software on it. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks!
Have you looked at the mega squirt site? Not sure if there's anything there for your situation..but there's a ton of info on there. i had that on my fox body. worked really well and the support was great. im sure the development has come a long way sence then.
ah Thanks! Thats the one i was looking for but i couldnt remember the name. I kept googling the wrong name. Lol
Tweecer will also work on my tbird. Oh my my! I hope you can do multiple cars with it if so its getting a pair of PI heads asap!
You can do multiple cars with it, but it can only be used on on car at a time. What some guys do is get the tune where they want it and then get a chip burned with that tune on it so they can put the Tweecer in a different car. I've got one of these in my Mav and it works well...but the learning curve is a bit steep. Ford didn't design the factory system so that it is friendly for tuners to mess with. I haven't done much tuning since I put the 351 in last year and I need to hit the web site again so I can remember what I need to do...
Thanks for the Info Mark! Im not that new to tuning I already run Chrome and turboedit on some honda engines. Tweecer looks much easier than those programs. Plus the multicar feature is just the icing on the cake.
Another option I've used and have my old megasquirt in a box waiting for the maverick (just need to swap top ends off of my mustang) it is a big learning curve and I would not recomend anyone learning the way I did on a turbo engine. Just makes things harder, and more expensive swapping short blocks. LOL I have also seen tweecer in action on a friends car and the learning curve does not look as steep. It looks like a very nice piece any PLENTY of support to which is VERY helpful. Megasquirt can be a little harder to get support for, just cause the forums are not that active IMO. Looking on youtube, this quarterhorse seems like a lot less learning curve than both. Theres also AEM, but huge price tag and huge learning curve.
Wow they have Moates for ford? I never knew that. I know alot of Honda guys running their Demon with eCtune.