Can anyone tell me if any 302 long-tube headers will allow a C4 to be removed with the headers in place? I'm considering getting the x-pipe removed and exhaust pipes redone to allow the transmission to come out with the exhaust in place. Maybe switching from Doug Thorley shorties to long tubes at the same time. (Think I'm about to get whooped again but my buddy's Trailblazer SS.)
Jim, when I had my C4, I had the trans out all the time without removing the headers. I had an H pipe that was under the tailshaft, but allowed me to remove the trans. You could put flange joints in the pipes so you can remove them, and allow the trans to go down. I used FlowTech 12100 headers and 2 1/4" exhaust pipes. Hope this helps.
I dont think you are going to find any long tube headers that will allow you to pull tranny without removal of at least one header. I know you cant with the 6901 hookers and all the headers that fit are just about the same as them. See what you started with your buddy now it does not matter what you do once you beat him he will just keep building his up, you just got to get all your hp working for you and under control and whoop him good then he will realize it no use to try anymore
Hey Earl, I have slip joints in front of the mufflers so I can take the exhaust pipes with X connection down but its a PITA to get them loose from the shortie headers. I can't even get the cross member out without taking the pipes down. If I stay with the shortie headers, I'm sure pipes can be built w/o the X that at least let the cross member come out w/o disturbing the pipes. That would allow me to get the cross member out to adjust the modulator and get the tail housing out to work on the malfunctioning governor. Maybe even could get the transmission out too if I stay with the shorties. I suppose the shortie headers are the choke point in my air pump so, if I redo the exhaust pipes I might go to long tubes at the same time. Just don't know if the long tubes come back so far as to not allow the transmission/bell housing to come down. I don't want to get into a situation where one or more headers have to be undone to get the transmission out. That would be a step backwards.
Hi Mike, Thanks for info on 6901s. The TB SS vs Maverick is fun because they're so different and so close. He's twidling tables with his lap top and I'm doin' it the old fashion way. Kind of a man vs computer contest. He's already done a cold air intake and is still trying to get the tune right with that. He's also tweaking shift points with the lap top. I gotta get the launch better and if that doesn't do it I'll think about a couple of other things. We have a following of draggers on a small web site that is into the competition. Of course, they're all bow tie guys.
I see the FlowTech 12100s don't include Mavericks in thier applications. Did you mod them to make them fit?
Jim, I see you are right, they aren't in the app list in the new Summit catalogue. Funny, it had them in it before. Maybe they decided they don't fit well enough to advertise them that way. Mine fit well, but the pittman hit the tube when I turned it to the lock, and promptly put a little dent (very small) in the tube. It turns lock to lock, and I have had no problems, unless you count the clutch cable. Fixed that with a longer cable.
I've got Hedman long tubes on mine and I've had the transmission out twice without touching the headers.. Might be true for a 164 tooth bell, but not for the 157.
I have the FlowTech 12100's also, from Summit racing. I believe they are for the 65-73 mustang. I only had to ding the driver side where it was touching the gear box BUT come to find out that my motor mount was shot and it had dropped the driver side down a hair and that's why I did what I did. Once the motor mounts went in I had plenty of clearance.