Still having issues with the Mav dying at idle unless I put it into neutral causing it to idle higher so that it doesnt. Car runs fine just not at idle when slowing down at a stop light or such. Does fine slowing down to take a turn, have had it die a couple times though around turns- nothing lately - Ive double checked my rockers and re-torqed them to 36lbs - made sure the float was set correctly (if anyone can tell me what the measurements are thatd be great, but im sure theyre right going off the carb instructions) - timing is on at about 3 degrees - mixture screw is good - plugs and wires are newer - Vacuum lines are all connected Not sure what else to check right now, think ill do a compression check. Any ideas as to what my problem is?
maybe clogged fuel filter. With the increase in RPM's it would increase fuel pressure and overpower a clogged filter, but at lower idle speeds not enough fuel can pass the filter to keep it running.... Its just an E.W.A.G.
Just a thought. If you did set the timing with a light its possible that its still incorrect due to the balancer spinning.
Well, you could just try pulling it up until you hear it rattle or it gets slow to start. Just to see if it cures it. The real answer is either a new balancer or timing tape. Id just try the first method to see what happens.
try pulling it up as in raise the timing? I can start the car and i have to give it some gas for a good 10-30 seconds to get it to idle by itself. No operational choke on the car. But once I am driving it then itll die at idle. I can throw it into neutral though at a light then once stop put it back into drive and itll be fine. Just the slowing down and staying in drive is what kills it.
Have You checked both the U joints on the driveline? A friend of mine had something similar happen to his jeep, and he was a Stick shift, but essentially every-time he would slow down or shift, the car would shake fiercely and want to die. after some tinkering he accidentally placed his hand on the U-joint and it was BURNING HOT from driving around with the excessive resistance. He replaced the U-Joint and problem solved... So perhaps the same issue on your maverick.? Again Just an E.W.A.G
3 degrees doesn't seem like much timing. Maybe bump it up a few and then adjust your idle accordingly. What's your RPM in park and what does it drop to when in gear? Mine sits between 1000-1100 in park and drops a good 300 when i go into gear. My doesn't care to idle warm or cold between 600-700 rpms. Does act much better though when it's warmed up.
dont have a tack on it. I want to get one for it though where/how would i connect it? Also got a new fuel filter no change.