You guys crack me up lol.. I am assume he is always open to ideas.. He needs to know what the general consensus is to help him determin what is wanted..
I see your point. I need to clarify my above post and say THANKS Derrick for the products you have made available to the Maverick world. The new "stock" hoods should be very well recieved, and my cowl induction statement was meant to be only a suggestion. I have seen these hoods first hand and they are Very well made.
That's true, but some of us don't drive Mavericks and want to convince him there is money in Comet parts. I'm not in a hurry, but I am going to start putting money from every paycheck in a box in the hopes someday he (or someone else) makes one. If I did drive a Maverick I would be looking to order one as soon as I could afford it.
I have one of the grabber cf hoods and feel that the black hood goes with any color car, making it the most marketable and cost effective to produce. They are however paintable for a variety of effect options.
CF Hood I,m waiting for Derrick to announce a new batch of CF COWL hoods are now available. Hoping for minimum 2 1/2 or 3 in style. I missed out on the last batch?.
hey guys thanks for the great response here. to be honest it didn't think a stock hood would be of any interest to anyone. so your input really helps me with where i am going... (well except you comet guys... ) but again this is a base hood for much things to come. if my scheduling goes right and nothing comes up (yeah right) i should be able to have a few of these done by say late spring and maybe a prototype cowl sometime after that. ha ha... that was actually discussed before. both hood and scoop... however at this time maverick hood is all i can do. and to be honest the maverick market is already so small already just figure how little the comet market would be. maybe if someone buys me a comet i will lol! spoilers i stopped making awhile back. though i have some other ideas and actually something i am working on now but probably won't see anything for some time now. YES they are! and i have them in stock. actually you could do that your self and have them paint a light color over the carbon. totally possible and done before. if you're looking for color in the weave i don't do that and besides remember any weave in color is NOT carbon fiber it is a fiberglass blend and no carbon fiber what so ever. so remember guys if it is any other color but black. it is NOT carbon fiber. think about it. you can't dye black! actually my argument all along has always been if you buy a fiberglass hood from someone else. you will pay just as much or more to get it to fit and after paint. trust me i am sure more then a few can contest to that! well that is what i will remake the cowl hood for. but it will be just a cowl nothing which really still retains the body line of you look at my older cowl hood. lol! i think you're right. but as you know what you get is what you get! lol! ha ha thanks! though this would be cool with a tunnel ram sticking tough it! BUY IT BUY IT! very well said! i'll give you your commission... check is in the mail. lol! i will do these for sure since i already did this one. again this was the base for a new cowl hood. i plan on a 3 to 3-1/3 at the cowl. sorry total race guys whom want a 4 to 5 but right now the market is already too small for what i am already doing!
When you make the 3 or 3-1/2" Cowl hood you can put me down for one. Although my Maverick is race only that is tall enough for my application plus I just don't like the looks of the 5" and above.................just looks out of place..................................IMHO
I guess every couple of months I'll send you a PM. Also, do you have any idea about the weight would be. John
John I have not weight it yet. I would guess low 20s I will try to weight it this weekend since I have to move my car out. (it's sitting on the roof of my car... For shame!) I will let you know... But remind me if I don't... Going too many directions these days!
ok i weight this hood. not that the scale i used was perfect, but this hood is about between 20 and 22 lbs i say between since the scale was very small that i used to it kinda moved around between there. either way it is the lightest of the three that i make.