I've been searching the forum, the web, ebay, etc. and this is the best deal I can find when combining item and shipping. Is there any other deals out there better? Thanks http://www.varkmotors.com/1974-FORD-MAVERICK-2-DOOR-AUTOMATIC-CARPET_p_43136.html
I've heard positive reviews from Stockinteriors. One from a fellow Jetta owner and another from a fellow Torino owner (can't find a pic of that one)
The best deal isn't always the cheapest price. It may be cheap, but how well does it fit? Does it stay where it should, or will it be all bunched up. I am going with ACC for that reason. Plenty of great reviews.
Recieved mine last week from varkmotors. ACC carpet and had it in 3 days. Order it with the mass backing. Couldn't have asked it to fit any better. It seems the mass backing helped it hold the floor contour better. Also mine was the 80/20 loop.
??? my car's a 2D and I haven't ordered one yet, that's why I have this post asking if anyone has found a lower cost to the door carpet out there. All the places I've checked sell ACC carpets, I'm just trying to find the vender with the best deal. I've only been looking into the basic backing, I didn't compare the retailers cost with the mass backing... I should probably do that, but I doubt I could afford it, I'm having difficulty justifying the cost of the basic carpet... Its one of those "my carpet is in terrible shape, I have all my seats out right now along with most of the interior panels maybe I should replace it now so I don't have to dismantle everything all over again" situations.
I just did a quick search and it looks like varkmotors price is the best right now with free shipping. 200.00 with mass backing.