I'll have left over pieces from a 74 Comet 2 dr donor. I'm wondering what to ask for them when the time comes. I'll be keeping everything needed for a V8 conversion, rear end, the steering column, and floor shifter. The car is extremely rusty. The only exterior parts that are surpisingly good are the hood, complete grill, and front bumper. Those will be sold, along with these other items. A dash (less controls and switches, pad ripped), door panels (fr and rr), all seat belts, bucket seats (no fabric left, weathered foam on original tracks), and 3 14" factory slot wheels w/Mercury center caps. No noticeable damage, just weathered after 40 years. And a rear window defroster, no idea if it works. Likely other things that don't come to mind at the moment. What is a fair price to put on these? I'll be selling regionally because of shipping costs. Not looking to gouge anyone, just a fair price. Apologies if this isn't the right forum to post this in. edit: hood does not have scoop.
Since you are not willing to ship, the items will be harder to sell...especially where you are located. I wouldn't ship a hood either, but some of the other items are shippable. Of course....shipping FROM Canada TO the USA can be high.
I am willing to ship small items if someone will pay for it. Pretty sure once I post a quote for shipping, it will scare most people off. I have been dinged pretty bad getting things shipped up from the US a few times. No one wants to pay more for shipping then the part cost. That is why I am hoping to sell them here in Alberta. I have seen enough hoods and grills for sale on here that I have an idea what they are worth. I am mostly wondering about the weather beat bucket seats and the factory aluminum wheels.
Bucket seats will have the have the tracks. I would day $100 to $200. Rims are worth maybe $20 to $50 each. They will scrap for pretty close to that.