hi, i finally got my engine started a couple weeks ago, i have trickflow heads, roller rockers, stud girdle and aluminum covers. ive noticed that the valve train is pretty noisy. sounds like a sewing machine. is this normal? im used to roller rockers on my impala and they are not that noisy. could it be more prevalent due to the aluminum covers? i know that sounds weird but aluminum is not as ridgid, and as good as steel for sound dampining. i will take video in a few days. ive readjusted valves several times to make sure. i have about 55 psi oil, new engine. no miles on it yet. thanks.
they are tall valve covers, and there is about 1/4 in between bottom of valve cover and the stud girdle. they are the right size studs 3/8" all trick flow. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/94100636/2014-03-20 17.09.37.jpg
the cheaper roller rockers will usually make that noise. even more expensive ones will make noise, usually just not as loud. the rollers are constantly changing direction and any gap between them will cause them to collide and make noise every time they change direction.
The sewing machine noise is normal for roller rockers.. And yes, you're correct about the sound deadening properties of steel vs aluminum covers. Ford found the same thing when they developed the Cobra GT40 5.0