Ok Ive tried adjusting the screws on the carburetor and I cannot screw it in any further. I read on hot to make sure its adjusted correctly and they said to listen to the engine. it sounds like its idling good but every time I push the gas it tries to die. Can anyone help me diagnose the problem?
Sounds like your accelerator pump diaphragm is shot. Is it leaking fuel? If no fuel leak is found? Your discharge nozzle may be clogged.
Side note if you are able to screw in your air mixture screws all the way in and the car still runs you've got more issues then the pump shot diaphram
I did a rebuild on my carb and it runs now but it still idles slow unless I screw the air mixture screw all the way in. Also it backfired twice since I did the rebuild Note: I already made sure that the distributor isnt out 180 degrees
Backfire through the carb? It's running lean or still not getting enough fuel through the accelerator pump discharge nozzle. How much wear is on your pump cam?
You have a vacuum leak....If you turn the mixture screws in all the way and it still runs...Its sucking air where it shouldnt be. Check your vac hoses and carb base gaskets. (Squirt some water around the carb base)...If the engine stumbles...You have found your vacuum leak.
i usually use carb cleaner to search for vacuum leaks. you get an rpm increase instead of stumble. easier to notice IMO (that might just be because of the straight pipes though )
I tend to use water or a non flammable spray carb cleaner...Flammable stuff will tell you real quick if you have a bad plug wire or Dist cap. LOL... Lost an eybrow once many moons ago. If the car is running straight, water will cause a quite noticeable hiccup/stumble...