I am looking for a place that sells the best weather stripping as close to OEM as possible. I would like to get a full kit including side vent windows? Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks people
Yes! AK sells all but the quarter glass ws as far as I know. I am in the process of installing their kit now. I've had it laying around for 3yrs. Time to get in on the car.
Not any more, he stopped once Carpenters started reproducing them. The weather stripping, other than the front window gasket, are made my Daniel Carpenter, and sold through their wholesale network, to various dealers.
OK! Thks for the input on the quarter window w/s. I was not aware he has not producing/selling them. I need a set myself.
Do they sell the seal at the bottom of the door glass? I don't know what it's called and can't seem to be able to find it on AK. Do they sell an entire door kit?
I only know of the rear glass for a 4-door being made. I am sure two door stuff can work for the doors if you cut it down.
Thanks for the replies. @Craig Selvey thanks for filling me in on the terminolgy. @BKelley thanks for the input! I'll definitely check that out!