Parts car... It's almost 100% unmolested but far rustier than I'd ever consider fixing... Has a 33 DSO(Cleveland), that's no doubt killed it... I have picts but Photobucket is being a ass, I'll have to post them later... Last Norfolk city license was 2004, still the 200 fired right up on a shot of brake cleaner and runs good... Gas smells old but I added a couple gallons of fresh and it pops off as soon as key is turned... Doesn't even have any noticeable exhaust leaks... Apparently got a rebuilt engine at some point, found this tag sticking on side of block Oops, forgot the interior shot..
Nope not me, everything is major rusty, bottoms of doors are terrible, water in floor from leaking cowl etc... Plus has too many GT parts I can use on mine... Here's the spare pict(I think) not able to edit out the extra engine tag picts(finally did figure that out), can't seem to make friends with this new board... Well crap photobucket is on the fritz again... Maybe later
Very nice score, Tom! Like you said, with the parts off this car, you can turn yours into an Instant GT. just out of curiousity, is the drip rail missing (GT)?
71 GT's should not have stainless drip rail moldings also no Comet signs on the fenders. I guess it could have had the fenders changed. I don't remember any white w/black stripe cars coming with blue interior.
It's not white but a very pale blue, orig color was platinum, color code N... No idea of orig stripe color, paint is ancient... I haven't looked at it well enough to determine what has and hasn't been done to it, rained steady most of the day... I do know it's been hit fairly hard on LR corner, has angle iron patch on frame rail and sets approx a inch low on that side... Very possible front finders have been changed as well... OK maybe it's been molested more than I first thought... Has no drip rail moldings...
Interesting about the GT's not having drip rail molding, I know my 72 GT came with the bright/chrome trim, but, it also came from the factory with a vinyl covered roof which I removed many years ago.... perhaps only GT's with the vinyl roof had the moldings to hold the vinyl along the sides
I just looked at the paint on the front of the door opening by a oil change sticker from Terre Haute IN and it really looks pale blue... Paint under data sticker also appears same(lost it's protective covering, no doubt orig)... What the Hell color was platinum anyway??? A piece of painted over stripe in door jamb is black...
Interesting, I can believe that... My '71 shop manual claims it's code 921A - Platinum... The cruse is a '80s add on...
I hate to see comets cut up but its WAY rusty so its time for it to help bring another one back to life or upgrade another one thats worth saving strip it for parts then offer it up here maybe someone wants to save it
You may be right because my red topped '71 GT has them too. Nice score, Tom. How much you want for that hood scoop? lol