I bought a 72 Sprint, and would like a opinion on the seats... As most know a sprint maverick never had bucket seats, mine currently has high back buckets in it... Should I recover them in the sprint style ? or put a bench seat back in it ? If I keep the bucket seats, I will install a Granada console with cup holders where the floor shifter would have been...
The Mustang Sprint and the Pinto Sprint both came with buckets. Buckets in the Maverick are much more comfortable than a bench seat. It matches the Sprint theme better with buckets, in my opinion. Jim
I was just on the npd website, I can get a full set for a coupe for just under $400... I can have a shop rework the back seat to fit the maverick... I think this will be my cheapest option...
That is very cool that they have covers for that. I would go with the buckets, too. The rear seat skin is close on the part for the seat back. It needs to be narrowed about an inch on each side to fit properly. The seat bottom is another story .... The Mustang back seat bottom is contoured, almost like two bucket seats, and I used LDO seat foam instead of the flat foam for a standard Mav rear seat. It matches the contours a bit better. To use the Mav seat frame, you will need to add material to the bottom of the Mustang skin because the frame is perhaps 3 inches taller. Or .... you can radically cut the seat frame like I did and just barely have the skin fit .... very tight. Still should have had material added to the bottom. At 6' tall, I can sit in the back seat and actually have a bit of headroom. The way it was originally, my head touched the roof back there. Now .... what to do to that console to give it a Sprint vibe? ..... I really like the consoles that Dave Boyer is working on too. Matching carpet on the sides makes it look built-in to the floor.
TMI's Sprint seat covers sold by NPD do not have the lambeth cloth inserts in them. They are comfortweave like what my gold mustang convertible has in it. If you want close to original, you will need to buy 3-4 yards of the blue lambeth cloth from SMS in Canby, Oregon and have someone do the seat covers. Their blue cloth is darker than the original Sprint cloth but is the same texture. Jim
I had a bench seat there is no way to candy coat it THEY SUCK . I have sn95 seats in my mav now they are almost as comfortable is my lazy boy I said almost
I already voted for buckets, and that is what I did to my own car ASAP, but the only case I can make for keeping a bench seat is that, if you look around, it seems like NO modern car comes with them anymore. Crown Vics were the last one I could think of. So, a bench seat is becoming a "vintage" thing. They still are pretty awful .... lol. A couple of exceptions for me might be, if I had a vintage pickup truck, or the split bench with the armrest that came in the later Mavs (76-77?). Those had an LDO vibe and seemed to be a real step up. I have always thought those were some of the best Mav interiors.
My high back buckets in the grabber with new foam and covers are still very uncomfortable... I would love to find a set of ldo seats and try them out...