Hi folks, I could really use some guidance with my new 74 Maverick Grabber. I've had it for a few months since I purchased it from my dad, and before that had next to no experience with classic cars or working on engines in general. I want this to be the car I learn on. It has the 302 v8 cruise-o-matic and ran pretty well when I first got it. Over the last week or so though I've noticed an increasing difficulty shifting gears and the engine will rev up really high, sometimes not shifting at all before I get nervous and let off the gas. I've been driving around in Lo Drive for the last few days with at least no high RPM issues, but I know this isn't a permanent fix. I've checked the level of my transmission fluid and even added 2 more quarts plus a bottle of stop leak, which was recommended by a friend. I did this this morning, so hopefully it just needs to take effect, but I'm worried that I'll need a rebuild. Anyone have any better ideas? Like I said, I'm pretty new to classic cars, so I understand I probably left out some crucial info that I'm not currently aware of, but I can provide info anyone needs to help.
If it was full and you added additional fluid, it will probably aerate the fluid and really start slipping...
I drove it around for about 30 mins, then let it idle in park for about 5 mins. Then I rotated through P R N D 2 1 and back. After that I checked the fluid and it looked a bit low. If I don't see any improvement in a day or so should I get the fluid drained and filled?
Was it low before you added anything? Is it leaking? Why add two bottles of stop leak? Don't drive around in low..
He didn't add two bottles of stop leak, was a bottle and two quarts of fluid... If it was so low it took approx two and half quarts, was no doubt slipping because of low fluid level... Drive it a bit and see how it acts but damage has likely been done...
Yes, that's true about the two quarts and the 1 bottle of stop leak. Damn, I should probably stop driving it for now. What kind of damage are you thinking?
Badly slipping auto trans usually means the bands and/or clutches are worn, possibly can be servo seals that on a C4 can be replaced with trans in car for reverse and 2nd(not for the novice though)... When running low on fluid the clutches and bands can be damaged as they are only partially applied, slip and overheat, such wear parts are always replaced in a rebuild...Isn't likely to make a difference now if you drive it or not, maybe you'll be lucky and will shift OK for awhile...
Have a look at the vacuum modulator. There is a line running from the intake manifold or carb base to the transmission. The modulator must have vacuum. Also look at the kd linkage at the carb. There must be a small spring that returns it from passing gear.