I was on the web-site for CPP looking for items for my classic truck and saw a bolt on rack and pinion for early mustangs was wondering if anyone knows if this kit is interchangeable with the maverick since they share a lot of the same suspension items the kit for the 64-66 stang was around 850.00
A Mustang and a Maverick are two different cars. Why not buy a Maverick R&P to fit a Maverick instead of buying a Mustang kit and make it fit something that it was not designed to fit
Exactly Just look into the UniSteer R&P kit or R&C Motorsport MII kit and forget about CPP They pretty much just carry Chinese knockoff parts..
Those rear steer rack kits are designed to fit one model of car based on the frame widths - I don't believe we share a frame width with any other Ford model so I would say the kit would not fit - making it fit might not be the safest thing to do either
This is about the best deal I have found on the complete Unisteer kit: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/141336305295?lpid=82
I may have a power rack & pinion steering under one of my Maverick parts cars. I may sell it if it is complete. Will have to check tomorrow.