Literately.. As some of you know I had to replace the back wall in the garage. Next is insulation and plywood for the inside wall(s) starting on that back one. That is where my tool boxes and work bench go. I took out the want to be work bench that was there because it was attached to the studs. Now I have my eye on one that I can get for a really good price. Has a steel top and base/legs. But I am not able to get it into the garage with the cars in the way. I am also having to work on the wall bringing materials inside between the two cars. All so they can sit safely inside as they wait for my attention. Heading out to do the insulation now. Happy thanksgiving!
Yea.. But it wasn't in the plan. I WAS going to build a real work bench attached to the studs.. But the one I found up the road will be cheaper and made with steel. I'm going to get it and slide it through the next wall I take out on the side. It will just have to sit at the gate shop till then.. next to that rear end.
You want a good work bench that will last ? go to a restaurant supply house and get a stainless work table.. Solid stainless and you can assemble it once you get it behind the cars.. If you get one with the raised lip on the back, you can attach it to the wall... Around here they go for $140 and up for a 6 foot long one...
Rewired and added outlets to the back wall. Upgrading the wire size as I go also. Nailing up the plywood tomorrow and moving my tool box back in place. My shock to spring plates should be arriving Monday so I will be able to get that diff in hopefully by next weekend.
I like how I can add and move the tubes around and put them where I need them. I am also now thinking I will modify the hood hangers so that they reach and get bolted to the floor. I see that I can also load other parts into it, but it will get heavy. I still have two more hoods to put into it. I certainly don't need it to give and all my parts come crashing down.
Me too.. My response was to Frank. I haven't heard that tune was meaning to be my engine running lol.