okay I recently decided to sell my comet gt since my other comet seems to have taken a back burner to everything else. so I listed it on CL and sure enough had a ton of calls from everybody famous and some and everyone who had no idea what a 40 year old car runs and drives like I got asked things like how does it steer? are you willing to negotiate? and my favorite HOW MANY MILES PER GALLON does it get? well after having it listed for a while a group of guys came by and checked the car over really good and liked everything they saw the car was going to be for a guys father who had a comet gt years ago and gave it to his boy for his 16th bday and wanted another one ever since (really nice group of guys) well turns out one of the guys is a forum member here (I wont mention his name) so I thought cool the cars going to go to a good home and they would take care of it and cherish it forever since the son still has his dads comet gt 20 some odd years later and now the member (grandson) has his own maverick I believe it was. well they didnt bring the cash that day they had to go back home and move some money around to come back and pay for it. well I stopped listing the car on CL just because I forgot about renewing it. after thinking about how the original owner (dad) of the sons comet gt was feeling looking and remembering all of the fun times he had in his comet and how much he wanted it back all of these years but couldnt seem to get one got me having second thoughts. the buyers went home and moved around whatever they had to and called me back since they didnt see the car listed on Cl any more they wondered if I had sold it. thats when I had to explain to them that I just couldnt bring myself to let it go. even though they were going to pay all of my asking price without any haggling and without a bunch of dumb questions like how many miles per gallon does the car get I told the buyer "I just didnt want to be in there position looking for another one as soon as I signed mine over to them." thankfully the buyers werent bitter and didnt curse me out like I had expected anyone else come close to selling there car like this? I know Ive seen posts of sellers remorse but finances made them sell there car. Im not rich and we could easily use that $$ for something but Im not in a scrape right now so it looks like the car will be with me forever
Some 12 years ago or so I was in a slump. I was going through a divorce and had decided to sell everything except the house. I sold everything inside of it though.. I had a guy slobbering at the mouth cause I was going to let him buy my 73 GT with a folder of receipts showing thousands spent. He offered me $200 and I said ok. He said he was going home to get the money and never came back. As I sat in the car looking at all the receipts and remembering all the good times I had in that car I realized I was taking my pain and anger too far. I then decided if he came back I had made a deal. But if he were to come the next day I wasn't selling it any longer. I have seen him since and he asked if I still had that car he wished he bought and I told him my story. He was glad he hadn't come back also. He said he was thinking something didn't seem right lol..
I feel that you made the deal with them and should have honored it but just to them since they went through all the trouble to get the funds. How would you feel if you were on the other end of the deal. They were just to nice to tell you how they really felt about things
I did not have a problem with him not wanting to sell the car, like he explained to us when we were their its the first gt he's owned out of some 12 cars so were not bitter sweet at all, now were just on the hunt for another. P.s, were brothers and the one who was getting the car is my brothers dad, so I just wanted to clear that up
I've thought about selling my Cobra Fairlane a few times, but in the almost 42 years of ownership never came close to actually going through with it... I did sell a '68 GTE Cougar W code with side oiler 427 because I couldn't keep them both... Now days the Cougar would be worth at least 3x(and have sold for six figures fully restored), but I had no sentimental attachment to that car so have never really regretted selling it... Still it was 1 of 101 base(non XR7) models with the 427...
when Chris (The Boy) grew up and moved out I was going to sell Patches. his Mom (Effie) asked me not to, said is was something he and I had built together. She said to make all the changes I wanted to it, just not sell it... now I refer to it as...Her car...
I almost sold my Falcon, which my dad bought new and gave to me on my 16th birthday, back in the mid 70's for $200. I remember telling the buyer about all the new parts installed and at the same time I was adding the prices up in my head. $50 battery, $20 alternator, $20 starter, $7 voltage regulator. I couldn't sell it for $100