So in the past two days I replaced some shocks and adjusted to gap on my spark plugs (previously .044) to the computer required .035 gap. After doing this, It was running just fine UNTIL I was at a redlight and decided to spin the tires and then it started sputtering hardcore during anything other than light acceleration and the engine gets real shaky. Do I just need new plugs or what?
Bone stock 250 I6 with 1bbl, automatic. It feels like when i accel it pulls left and let off it pulls right Diff gear or shafts maybe?
You said the engine was running rough, that should not make it pull either way, make sure a plug wire has not come off as you said you worked on the plugs.
Were you power braking (holding the accelerator down with your foot on the brake) during your burn out? if so it could be a brake issue.
Sputtering first then rear steer if you'd please. I talked to my mentor (grandfather), he says check the plugs for possible fouling due to contact with the anti-seize
Could have something to do with fuel delivery also, there are quite a few things that could cause it to run rough, have you by any chance looked at the oil on the dipstick?