My car should finally get painted this spring and I thought I was going to be able to pick up the orange side and hood decals from Phoenix graphics or someone else but it looks like no one has the correct orange. Instead I guess I can buy paint stencils but am not sure what to think about that as I've never been involved with this. Any recommendations out there? Also I took lots of photos and measurements of my stripes before I sanded the car but does anyone else have measurements recorded so I can compare?
Somebody should have the correct orange. Graphics Express HERE: Under "Custom Colors" they have several "Orange colors" available.
The other option is to have your body shop make a stencil and paint them on. Most higher end shops can do this in house or farm it out to a local graphics shop. On my car, I used the custom color chart from Graphics Express for my side and spoiler stripes. The body shop had a paint stencil made for my hood stripe.
GE said on the phone they didn't have the right orange but they do list hood and side stencils. I guess this us how I'll have to go. Any advice on stencils? I've never used them.
A lot of your factory stripe is painted on anyways. Personally....I think you would be happier with the stripe kit. A stencil basically "masks" off the area where you DON'T want the orange stripe. In a nutshell.....apply stencil, shoot paint, remove stencil.....looks like a factory stripe.
3m made the original material that Ford used, I have 2 NOS sets of 74 Orange stripes, I can go see the guy that does the lettering on my work trucks, and see what I can match up. It'll have to wait a few weeks, I'm going on a vacation. I used Graphic Express for stencils on my green car.
I found a local graphics company that says they can produce what I need in the color I need. Unfortunately they will be guessing at some things. I wish I had a set of stripes and hood they could copy but I can't see buying a black set just to copy it and then have to pay for the custom set.
Dave: Any chance of getting a paint code match on those NOS stripes? I'm trying to see how close I can come to the Phoenix Graphics colors they have available. If I had a match I could mix some paint and test it against the samples they sent me. What do you think?
Sorry, I've been away on vacation. I'll stop by my sign guy this week, and use his sample to find a match, and let you know.
My set of NOS stripes, matches 3M and Avery, "Terra Cotta", I'm going to match the new sample I have to the original Orange on my car, and I'll take some picutres. I'm also going to my neighbours body shop, to see if we can scan the sample, and match a color with the new vinyl .
I can easily see why Dave likes this color combo so much. To me it's kinda like musclecar meets disco.. ..yeah, I'm old too.. and I like it even more because I VERY rarely see this combo in the wild.
I actually have a sample of the Terra cotta from phoenix graphics but I'm afraid it looks different from the orange paint code. I mixed some single stage of the orange. Guess I'll spray a swatch and see how close it is.
Ohhhhh yeahhhhh! Phoenix Graphics went looking for a near perfect factory match and I think they nailed it!