Hi All, After reading the thread below, I ended up purchasing a fuel sending unit for a '68 mustang from Summit Racing instead of the one from auto krafters that's for a '71 comet as it was much cheaper. I just received the item and I immediately noticed that the unit is different from my original one as it only has 1 post to connect to my cable for the fuel gauge whereas the original as two. I'm guessing one of the post is ground? My fuel tank for my '71 Comet is currently in the shop getting cleaned so I can't do a fit test. But I was planning on hooking up the fuel sending unit up to the car (after checking my wire diagram) and see if I can't make any mods to make it work. Any advice/suggestions? http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/fuel-sender-unit.86174/#post-872386 FUEL SENDING UNIT THAT I BOUGHT ('68 MUSTANG) http://www.summitracing.com/parts/sdk-c8zz-9275-c/applications/make/ford/year/1968/engine-type/v8 FUEL SENDING UNIT FOR A '71 COMET http://www.autokrafters.com/p-10475-fuel-sender-71-74-maverick-comet.aspx
Well just in case someone else ever run into the same situation on this. A 1968 Mustang fuel sending unit is different than a 1971 Comet. The Comet has a two posts on the unit while the Mustang has 1 post (thicker too). However, you can modify the cable on the Comet that connects to the fuel sending unit to make it work. I used simple alligator clips from my connector (ground and positive voltage) and connected the positive to the post and ground to the plate of the unit. Moved the float up and down and saw my fuel gauge go from empty to full. Now I just need to make a permanent cable that will properly connect to the fuel sending unit and trim the length of the pickup line if need be.
So the Mustang sending float unit will work, with electrical modification? How did you connect to the sending unit? What did you use to hold the connection fast to the sender?
You may have to bend the float arm if the two tanks are different depths. My 70 only had one terminal, when the gauge started becoming more and more inaccurate I soldered a male fast-on tab to the outside of the sending unit and ran a ground wire to it. Gauge started working normally again. Also, with my aftermarket 70 Mustang sending unit I checked on the bench with an ohmmeter and found it had a dead spot right in the middle of the float arm's travel. Had to open it up and make the wiper fit tighter to the reisitance element.
Is there any difference between a 76 Maverick tank and a 71 Comet tank? Would the senders be compatable?
1976 tank is bigger....so I am sure the calibration is different. 1976 sender would also have a longer pick up tube. In the end...I would probably be close enough.