Spent the weekend in the rain here in DFW. Friday we didnt get any runs due to rain, Saturday, they decided it was dry enough to go for it but it was really slick with a cold damp surface. I struggled to learn how to manage the lack of traction. Here is one of my runs. I can already see where I lost lots of time. Its easy to see after the fact but where you in the moment.... Today is another day but it rained pretty good last night. Not sure if they will be running the autocross or not. I could use the practice and the chance to finish wasting my tires. New tires get here Monday.
Didnt get to make any runs yesterday. Too wet. All we needed was a little sun and it would have dried out pretty quick. Unfortunately that didnt happen until about an hour after the event shut down. This weekend will be a busy one with the USCA Optima Ultimate Streetcar Challenge. Autocrossing all day on Saturday, Road Rally (Poker Run) Saturday night followed by carting. Road Coarse racing on Sunday. Should be a blast.
That engine sounds awesome, Chris! I don't know how you keep all those cones straight. I had a hard time trying to figure out the track just watching the video. That's why MY Maverick will be relegated to cruising the A&W parking lot...
The coarse wasnt too bad this year. We all really liked it compared to the last 4 events. It had smooth transitions and was plenty long. The fastest time was a 56.xxx but most were mid 60's. I was still able to get into the 50's in the straight sections.
Here are some photos from last weekend http://www.ridetech.com/info/2015/03/good-guys-ft-worth-autocross/?nggpage=39
Thanks Dave. It was a fun course. I ended up ordering NT05's from discount tire. They had to call 8 different stores to find them.