Now that I changed the control module, the car runs pretty good. ...but... now I can be running down the road, anywhere from slow cruise through redlight lane, to highway cruise, and it just dies. No spudder, not slowing rpms until out...instant off. I coast to the side of the road, scratch my head, jiggle the ignition switch, swipe the shifter from side to side, the try to crank it. Sometimes it fires right up, sometimes I have to play with it a few minutes. This could happen 1/4 miles down the road, or it could happen 15 miles out. I think it might be as simple as the ignition switch, but I'm not sure if there is anything else that tends to age and cause issues, like the blinker switch, or the other connections in the column...
On the bottom kinda to the side of the steering column, check the wire loom connector there just to make sure it's snug, some times a foot can bump it and loosen it.
I couldn't find this wire loom between the dash and the firewall... is it under this cover? And how do I get this off? I cant take the dash and column apart for a couple weeks yet, so I'm just trying to cover the obvious and simple.
Yes switch is under cover, a few inches down on top of column... Plug to connect it to main under dash harness should be exposed at your right knee...