So, rotating the shaft will move the upper arms rearwards? That's good to know! I was thinking earlier of putting some shims on the front bolts to make it tilt rearwards. I'm not sure if it would work. lol
Yeah with the bolts pressed out, the inner shaft can be rotated probably 1½-2 turns in either direction... Assuming it's centered of course, one of my new ones was off center when I received them...
I will be doing this on likely both of my Mavericks, I already have the controller and should have the Equinox steering column tomorrow. I will try to take pictures. Ive been reading the post that slow-poke has written up he was going to make a better controller and sell it, dont know if he got ot ready for sale I have not gotten to the end of his post it is very long.
Last time i read slowpoke's post. He had made the system. But due to liability risks and all the legal stuff. It wasn't worth making them to sell to the public.
This morning i took the car to an alignment shop near my home. This guy has a new machine and he has a few classic cars and race cars so he seems to know about this stuff. I think... After the alignment: going straight is awesome, when making a turn to the right and letting it go of the steering wheel the car will self center to a point where i have to help it a little. No big deal I'm good with that. Now, the problem is turning left. Car won't try to self center unless it is a sharp turn then it will self center some. On the highway: if i'm going for example about 65 mph and i want to change lanes, going to the right lane is fine i feel total control and feedback. Now going to the left the car wants to take off a very little movement on the wheel and it goes it is very sensitive. I went back to the shop but the guy's response was not helpful. First thing he said was. Well it is a 45 years old car you know? Try rotating your tires it may be the tires. Ok, got home and i rotated the tires. Same thing. No changes. I called him up and then he says. Get a mustang 2 front end and all your problems will be gone LOL! Even if i turn the system off EPS which stays all manual steering the same thing happens. So it has to be something with the suspension somewhere. This afternoon my brother and I took a measuring tape and measured hub center to hub center ( front and back) and we saw that the driver's side hubs are about 3/4 ( maybe less. Can't remember exactly) of an inch further apart then on the passenger side. More wheel base on left side. Would that difference cause this? It is either my rear axle that is crooked or one of the front wheels is out of caster. Right?
I do alignments at work and cars with electric steering normally need to be programmed to center after an alignment. I'm assuming that you don't have a data port to do that.