I am installing new motor 331 with AFR 185's -- Two questions -- Having the usual nightmare with headers -- Using the Hooker heads for mavericks -- Cant get the drivers side in AT ALL -- going to have to modify down by the frame - any advice appreciated. Also what gaskets is any one using under these things? Wrecked the hooker gaskets -- weak poor gaskets in the first place. Any advice appreciated.
Don`t know which headers you have,but w/ the 6208s,you have to grind off a little of the steering box & ck your pitman arm,I think I`m going to have to change mine.My shock towers have also been modified to accept a 351w,which is wider & taller than a 302.You also have to notch the frame behind the shock tower on the pass. side,these headers are 1 3/4 tubes.
When installing mine I have the engine off the mounts and jacked up a few inches so I can move the engine side-to-side some and install the headers from the bottom. I have to put the drivers side in first, if I do the passenger's side first I can't get the driver's side header past the steering box.
hooker 6910 headers are for ford vans. i would doubt you would get them to fit. if you just typed in the wrong number and got 6901's, then you have the right ones. the drivers side one goes on first. the passenger side motor mount has to be removed and motor moved over to the passenger side. after its in the motor mount can be reinstalled. the passenger side is able to be put in from the bottom.
Any header for a maverick with a manual trans should work. If you have a blow proof bell housing, it may need to be clearances.
The toploaders are the same size,difference is in the input & out put shaft sizes,the big blks. have the 1 & 3/8 in front shaft.
headman uses 1/4" flanges, 18 gauge wall thickness tubes, and have an oval shaped port that doesnt match the square ports of ford heads. its simply a cheaper header. cheaper materials and lower cost manufacturing process. both headman and hooker headers require the motor to be moved to the passenger side to install the drivers side header.
I've run Hookers on a big block Stang. They were a POS header. Same problems as listed here. I'll take the "cheaper" Hedmans. As for the driver's side install, the Hedmans only require raising the motor to get the driver's side in place. This can be done with the pass side already installed and bolted up. (has to be bolted up, otherwise it'll fall right out of the car.)