In a previous thread I mention a code 22 on my 91 5.0 ho. (Out of a markVII) I fixed the vacuum leak in my dash and reset everything. Still have the code. I finally broke out the multimeter on the 3 wires My volt power signal is normal (5.2 volts) My Sensor ground is normal (11.80 volts) Now my MAP sensor signal is tricky. I don't have a vacuum gauge on hand so I ran the test anyway on wire 2. I understand it's measured in hertz so I did so and it read 2.706??? Any advice? I'm debating just buying a new MAP.. $20-30
Map diagnostics are a area I'm lacking, other than being sure it'd hold vacuum(very important) I've always subbed them... A earlier diagnostics says voltage output should be 1.51 to 1.66v at 0-1500 elevation and 1.48 to 1.59 at 1501 to 2500ft... No not real helpful... If you go for new one don't cheap out, MAP isn't a sensor I'd trust a off shore mfgr... Other than vac leak I don't think they have many issues...