Just purchased this car as a project. The car is in incredible shape cosmetically. It is a 200 cid inline 6. Engine is pretty choppy, and sometimes dies while idling, anyone had any luck installing aftermarket carburetors to correct this problem? Also, the brakes are very soft and need to be pumped to get any pressure at all, hoping that this can be fixed by replacing a brake line.
wow, looks like a clean car! a carburetor can be easily rebuilt, and together with a good tune-up, you should have the engine running in no time. i'd suggest to replace the rubber brake hoses, and have the brake system bled completely.
Having to pump brakes generally means there is air in system, could have a leaking wheel cylinder or master cylinder... As already mentioned it probably needs brake hoses and really any other soft(rubber) components in brake system likely need replaced, includes master & wheel cylinders... The carbs on the 6cyl are notorious for poor running, flooding, stalling etc, can be rebuilt without too much effort... BTW Welcome