Got this idea from Mavaholic and his Comet GT Build thread, great idea and wasnt to difficult to do, I think it turned out pretty cool looking.
Grill should be the same as any Grabber grill. He has later model parking lamps and that plastic divider is removable if I recall correctly.
You are correct I guess I should have said the grill lights and remove the divider bar, it just looks different being a small bumper car with those lights. Yes I know it is a 76 converted to small bumpers. Either way the car looks great and have followed the build on it and wish mine was that nice
Very nice. So well done it even looks factory and is exactly what I want to eventually do to mine too. Not sure if I will integrate the custom spoiler into the valance or keep them separate though. Paul mentioned potential for airflow reduction over the rad core. My feeling is that there's already TOO much air flow into the engine bays of these cars. Especially at higher/very high speeds as it accumulates and starts to lift the front tires. Granted, much of that effect comes from too much air under the front valance but overly large grill and factory valance openings surely don't help the situation one little bit. I plan to mitigate some of this issue by doing similar and closing off a fair bit of my valance opening and also using various vent locations(an ancient Chinese secret right now and you guys ain't Chinese) to exhaust the engine bay prior to too much airflow getting under the cars chassis. Plus, proper rad shrouding still allows draw across all cores at lower speeds because the flow doesn't necessarily have to be directed and pulled linearly through the front openings at low road speeds. E-fans can help this situation even more. Newer cars very small grill and valance openings are a testament to that. Plenty of gaps everywhere on the front end of these old cars which amounts to HUGE air volumes coming in from every nook and cranny. Then we need to add all that extra volume coming in from under the valance into the equation anyways. Just my quick thoughts on that subject.
The car is actually a 69 1/2, I like the later grilles and parklights better than the earlier ones, so I changed the grill, that left a huge opening for the old lights below the bumper and when I found Mavaholics thread, I new that is what I wanted to do to mine.
Todays Lesson... grill : to cook (food) on a metal frame over fire : to fry or toast (something, such as a sandwich) on a hot surface : to cook (food) directly over or under high heat Full Definition of GRILL transitive verb 1 : to broil on a grill; also : to fry or toast on a griddle 2 a : to torment as if by broiling b : to question intensely <the police grilled the suspect> — grill·er noun ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` grille noun \ˈgril\ : a metal frame with bars running across it that is used to cover or protect something Full Definition of GRILLE 1 : a grating forming a barrier or screen; especially : an ornamental one at the front end of an automobile 2 : an opening covered with a grille 3 usually grill : a set of metallic covers for the teeth