I am going to repair/rebuild the balancer on my 302 or go w/ an after market unit like those from Summit! My car is only a mild modified and only used for cruising -- What are some viewpoints on this transition?
Timing marks, will be your biggest challenge. Make sure if you buy a replacement, that it has A, B, and C timing marks, most only come with A&B, Since Ford used three different sets, and Mavericks use the C set, with the stock timing pointer, on the passenger side of the engine. Also some aftermarket balancers will need a spacer for the crank pulley to line up.
Thanks for the input guys! I think I might prefer building the one I have , seeing I know it will go back on the car w/o any issues. I have about another week of car events and then I will decide, but, leaning toward rebuild.
If you had four they could put them on little Johnny's wagon... Of course if you're the one that has to pull him around, might want to reconsider...