I initially thought it was a carb problem but with closer inspection I think its something to do with the fuel lines or something of that nature. When I let my car sit over night and look at the fuel filter the next day there is barely any fuel left siting in the line and I have to pump the gas. Even after starting it the car runs for a second or two and then dies. After i crank it a second time it usually stays running. once its running if I push down on the hood of the car and make the shocks bounce the car acts like it wants to die and often when I am driving slowly through a parking lot and go over a speed bump the car will die because of the bouncing. Also when I shift into reverse the car looses some power and you can feel the engine making a jerking movement as if it isnt getting enough fuel and when i shift back into drive and give it gas it often dies. Can anyone tell me whats causing this and how to fix it? it seems to me that the fuel line isnt keeping fuel in it like it should and its causing problems with it running smooth. My second problem is the front suspension of my car is squeaking. Ive checked my ball joints and my shocks and neither seem to be causing the sound. It sounds like its coming from my strut mounts or somewhere in that area. I am very sure its not my ball joints because I have thoroughly checked them and greased them. I am also sure my shocks arent making the noise. What could it be and how can i fix it? Also if it is the strut mount bearings where can i find replacements for it? I've searched rockauto and all the autoparts stores i can think of.
Your squeak is going to be from the control arm bushings. They need to be greased. Theres a kit to install zerks so you can grease them. Its a real pain to get them in there tho.
Second on the upper control arm bushings squeaking, common issue... Back in the day probably half or more of the Fords on the road with this suspension were squeaking... Fuel is likely the fuel pump failing, one way valve at inlet is leaking...
Well I bought the fuel pump about a year ago. What could be causing the fuel pump to fail? Also how can I test the fuel pump to see if it's bad?
The Ethanol in most of todays fuel will kill a cheap pump fairly quickly. Especially if its a sitter. (weekend cruiser/sunny day driver kind of thing)Ethanol by itself is corrosive AND it literally pulls moisture out of the air, into the fuel causing more corrosion. Like Krazy Comet said... May want to check the float setting too. Sounds like it could be set too low, not allowing enough fuel into the float bowl. This could also cause the hesitation/stall issues you are having.
Ill check to see if thats the problem as far as the squeaking could it possibly be the coil spring seat bushings? or would you think its the control arm bushings?
Possible but...90% of the time its the upper control arm bushings. You should check the front suspension components though. The stuff does wear out.
maverick / comet = squeaking... check your spring purches, spring isolators, and bushings. your jurking bump isuse, i would make sure you don't have a loose wire, or a wire gounding out.
So I replaced the fuel pump and it fixed the problem for a couple weeks and then the pump went out again. I had a mechanic rebuild my engine and he put a microfiber fuel filter on it. Could that be straining the pump?
Here is a trick for eliminating squeaking from 1 source: put 3" pieces of heater hose on the front and back of the spring where it sits on the perch. This is easy to do if you already have the spring out of the car. Removing the coil spring is a big pain in the neck. and you have to use a coil spring compressor like this one: They are available from most parts stores loan-a-tool for free. You just pay a deposit and get your money back when you return the tool. As for the fuel/ stalling problem, suspect the fuel pump because of the ethanol in the gas, and I would rebuild the carb. a carb rebuild kit for a 1 bbl is less than $25. There is ethanol treatment fuel additive available and you may have a gas station near you that sells ethanol free fuel. Ethanol free fuel has prevented many rebuilds for my lawn equipment since I switched. I used to have to rebuild my lawn mower carb every spring, now it's been over 3 years.
Mine was acting up and hard to start after sitting for a day or more, turns out it was the small piece of rubber fuel line down on the frame just under the seat, was not leaking where I noticed it but after while would leak down and pull the fuel from the filters.
You're squeak is going to be the upper a arm bushings on the inside just like everyone else said. Almost for sure.