I bought a 66 Mustang kit off Ebay, and redrilled the holes to match the bushing size, it was cheaper than buying the Maverick specific size.
Same as rotorr, got the kit at Napa. Just drilled the hole slightly larger to fit the bushings and put them in. Pretty simple, there is a really good thread on it, you might want to search for it, the search works now.
Ok, I have pins and bushings... as far as removing the old pins. It appears as though I need to chisel off the bottom of the pin? Got it, remove it and grind it...
I used a cheap Harbor Freight, dremel type tool with a cut off wheel. I cut through the center of the pins.
My driver side door has a "click" in it when opening and closing. Is this the symptom that is remedied with new pins and bushings? MD
Hard to open/close then yes this will help. Pretty easy instal, I did something similar to Rotorr. You will be done in under an hour. Make sure you have atleast one other person to help you.