I'm looking for a set of seat belts, (whole set including shoulder straps, lap and female ends) for my 73 Maverick 2-door with bench seat.) If original ones are not available, can someone tell me what aftermarket set will work without modification. Thanks
I got a set for my 76 Comet from Seatbelt Planet. Great product. https://www.seatbeltplanet.com/?gcl...o0p2GmMJk_MEemzRx4WEgGYjUAo_VOZXRoaAruK8P8HAQ
I agree! We have gotten 3 sets for our Mavericks and Comets from them. The ones we got were just the lap belts but they have the 3 point as well.
I got mine from Seat Belt Planet and am happy, but be sure to specify bench seats. I understand the tunnel seat belt bolt holes are in different places for bench vs buckets.
I think the year determines the bolt location. See http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/another-seat-belt-question.98332/ for pics. Wolfheads, the link I posted shows the link where I got my seatbelts for all 4 seats. The cost was right at $100 at the time. I did have to cut the belts and have resewed. See http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/maverick_44.html