I am trying to replace my mechanical flasher with a different one that will work with my LED lights. The only problem is I can't find it...I found the hazard flasher one (small silver cylinder) but I can't seem to find the one for the tail lights. Any help on its location will be greatly appreciated! This is for a 73.
I'm yet to pull a cluster on any vehicle to change the flasher... Should be just at lip of dash at your left knee...
Found the flasher, exactly where you guys said. I am installing a set of sequential tail lights. Unfortunately they are not working correctly. It looks like I have a power bleed of 2-3 volts intermittently which is screwing up the lights. Any one have any clues on how to fix this? The bleed is on the passenger side. To clarify there is 2-3v going to the light intermittent when the switch has not been activated.
That was my first thought, so I removed the front turn signal bulbs as per the instructions. That did not help. The lights them selves ground on the lens housing I believe. But I will try an alternately ground to each light. I was thinking it might be the turn signal can in the steering column.
Hey Will : Just spoke to Bill and Alex and they both agree that you probably have a defective panel . We installed TWO sets of sequential taillights and ONE of them had a section that the LEDs were not LIT . We called Jim @ Easy Performance 616-214-7880 and he sent another panel . Problem solved. I returned the one that wouldn't work later on. I'm sure they would be cooperative if you call. Sounds like you have the wiring OK so if nothing is working .. then I'd say it's the panel. Hope you work this out . Lemmeno if we can help. Cometized (Chip)
It looks like both panels light up ok, but if the turn signal cam turns out ok and it's not a grounding issue I will definitely be calling them.
I had the same problem as you, You will need an electronic flasher, I got mine at advance auto part #EL12 for about 12 or 13 bucks, works perfect http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/...heavy-duty-turn-signal-flasher-el12/5081289-P
I have the flasher that the company recommends. I went and bought one very similar to the one you linked today, just to see if that is the problem.
I took out the switch today and threw in a new one from rock auto! The taillights now work! I also put in new flashers just incase. The rock auto switch is an exact replica, it is also very good quality except for the column bulb holder. That was poorly made so I just spliced in my old one and it works great.