I am curious about the lacing sold that fits between the hood and cowl. My car is a 72 and I realize the reproduction is a D3DZ part number. I bought it anyway as I was curious about the difference. When it came I noticed right away that it was longer than my original and went across the cowl fender to fender so to speak, and I also noticed the attaching clips did not line up with the holes in my cowl. I then turned to the Ford Parts Manual and read the D3DZ replaced the D0DZ in May of 1975. So my question is this, was there a change in the actual D3DZ cowl lacing in 1975? will the lacing that is reproduced fit a 73 and 74 model?... or a 76 and 77 model? Could there have been two D3DZ produced parts and the attaching clips and holes on the cowl been relocated yet again? Have you purchased new cowl lacing for your car and it not fit?... curious if there is anyone with a 73 or later and this lacing not fit correctly?
The one I got was also not an exact fit it was pretty close and doesn't look too bad. I plan to cut the excess off and glue it to the cowl.
Just checked my 73 Maverick. Mine runs fender to fender and the clips did line up on the D3DZ. I took the old one off but have not installed the new one yet. I think I will try to find a better quality one as this one is about an inch too short on the passenger side.
I recall when working with the vendor that they made it the full length so it would fit ALL cars, and could be cut down to fit the early cars. For some reason clip placement is off. If one is very careful....you can relocate the necessary clips.
I think the clip placement may be accurate for some or perhaps 73-77... but Ford definitely had the holes and clips in different location on the 70-72 compared to the later models.
Mine fit like crap! I cut it to length using my old one and the clips do not line-up, which leaves a puckering look. I also find that they do not hold the rubber tight enough to the cowl and the rubber droops forward away from the cowl. I just scrapped a 75 2dr. I never thought to compare the slot spacings on the cowl.
Mojo, were you installing the D3DZ on a 73 and it not fit well?... did the clips line up with the holes on the cowl?
The one I purchased from Classic and Muscle Car Restorations for my 73 was poorly made. Too short and the clips were incorrectly installed and pulled out easily. Package does not state country of manufacture but probably made in China. I am going to try one from Dennis Carpenter (made in USA) to see if it fits any better.
Hello Kelley: Are you referring to the Rubber Strip that seals the area from the Hood to the Firewall Area ? We have installed several strips that had the same problem.. The metal clips that are fastened to the Rubber Strip can be ' removed ' and then ' re-installed ' in their correct position without too much of a hassle ! The clips seem to hold well after their relocations and we've had NO problems with any of them . I believe we purchased Our Strips from NPD here in Florida .. NPD has several plants .. I'll try to dig up the part number if you need it ! . Lemmeno ! Hope this helps. Cometized (Chip)
Thanks Chip.... I think I will have the correct one reproduced for the 70-72, no sense in buying a new product that you have to disassemble and reassemble in order to use. But, I want to be sure the D3DZ that is reproduced actual fits (without moving the clips) on ALL 73-77's. May be yet another that needs to be made correctly??
Hi Kelley: I wish you success with your quest for a part that REALLY fits into it's intended location ! ALL of the strips "WE" have purchased needed OUR expertise in order to make them Fit .. They DO fit after the clips are relocated and it's really NOT a big job .. just a bit ' tedious ' .. It's probably due to the strips being intended originally for a Mustang or OTHER Ford out there Other Than OUR type cars. I'd rather invest a little time in reworking the strip, than to try to find a PROPER unit that I'd have to wait for again . I hope you find the one you need .. If you do , please put the part number up so we can all share. Thanks. Cometized (Chip)
Chip, are you having to move the clips on the D3DZ reproduced cowl lacing to fit any cars made between 73 and 77?... or just to make the D3DZ reproduced lacing fit a 70 to 72 Maverick or Comet?