I am not sure of the part #, I bought complete gasket kit from AK. I wud have to check my invoice to see the part prefix. I had to cut some/shorten the gasket, move some clips, and some did not want to keep gasket close to firewall once relocated, as I recall -- been few years ago. Looked up part# D3DZ-16740
Hi Kelley: Not sure WHERE we got the rubber weather strips from ; Could be AK or Melvin ??? Dunno ! At any rate , "We" solved the fit problem in the manner I've described, and we didn't have a ' loose ' fit .. we just ' stretched' the rubber somewhat .. then installed the clip after relocating it . A little gasket sealer behind the rubber will help greatly securing it to the firewall. Cometized (Chip)
Thats a laugh, nothing aftermarket fits, period....Mine not only didnt fit, the stupid clips break the minute you install them, then you end up using screws to hold the rubber strip on, If tyou repop something, then REPOP it, otherwise its junk
I understand glue and relocating clips and perhaps screws would work fine... I assume you and your team were installing this on 70-72 models since you had to move clips etc because the reproduction is made to fit the 73-77 without issue?
I'm not sure if anyone has tried this, but on my current restore project I think I am going to attach double sided tape to my cowl w/strip(the kind used to attach body side trim on cars), and get rid of the clips, then I can pull it tight and attach it firmly to the cowl........brilliant!!!
Hi Kelley: Concerning the Rubber Cowl Seal Strip , I do recall that the package the strips were shipped in had a small white piece of paper inside that designated the item to fit Maverick or Comet .. can't remember if the year was on it or not .. but when the strip was being installed , we immediately noticed the misalignment of the metal tabs.. We were careful with the removal AND the installation of the metal clips into their NEW location and everything worked. They're IN and they fit just fine NOW ! .. As I said before , I'd rather mess with this NOW than to send it back and delay MY schedule waiting for a part that would probably be just as ill fitting as the one I had. As far as the Year of the vehicle, we installed new Cowl Strip on a 74 Comet and had the same misfit problem ! We also attached the ENDS of the strip with the factory metal retainers that normally come on a Later Model car onto a 70 and a 72 Maverick .. Just drilled a couple of new holes and anchored the ends in the ' factory manner ' . Everything worked out Okay! Cometized (Chip)
The one from Dennis Carpenter does not fit very well either. The clips are not spaced correctly. Big disappointment. This is a pretty simple part so the question remains; How could they mess it up so badly? So much for made in the USA.
Update: Removed all the clips. Stretched it to the correct length. Marked the hole positions and punched them out with a leather punch. Then used christmas tree fasteners. Turned out pretty decent. I know it's not factory correct, but it does not look too bad.
I'm going to ask Carpenter Industries to revisit the cowl lacing made for the 73-77 and to position the clips in the correct location.
I bought several bags from Advance, Lowes and my local parts store. I actually could not find exactly what I was looking for. The ones with the small heads would look the best but they were too small in diameter to fit the slots. I had to use the larger head ones and cut them off on the top side. The ones I used were about 1/4" in diameter and 3/4" long, but a 3/16" diameter may work better. Also the softer ones install easier. Some of the ones I bought were hard plastic. The leather punch worked great on the holes.
Do U have any pictures of what ur explaining? Hard to visualize what ur explaining -- U know the old saying " pic worth 1000 words".
I have used this 3M product for years at work and used it for attaching door weatherstripping etc., on my Comet.... see the video on this product............. http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Adhesives/Tapes/Brands/3M-VHB-Tape/ can be purchased on eBay, various lengths and sizes available.......... David