I have a set of rocker moldings lying around. Does anyone have pictures of them mounted on the car? I have some used, but useable clips for them and i might have access to a 3D printer - so getting a full set is an option. Would you mount them? Not many people have them, but i would guess that it's the non availability of the clips holding people back?
My 70 2-door came with them. There's been some debate whether they were factory or dealer installed. I just know that I didn't install them and the original owner didn't install them. I'm the second owner.
Your car being a 1970 Grabber....I would say they must have been dealer installed. They were factory.
I personally have always liked the looks of the rocker moldings. I have saved a very clean and nice set to install on my 72 should I ever obtain the clips/fasteners needed to make it happen. The nylon clips were of different design between the 4-door and 2-door. The 4-door clip attached to the rocker panel through the use of a nylon drive pin in the center of the clip which opened up on the backside of the rocker panel... the 2 door was just pop riveted to the rocker panel. The 2-door style clips were also used on certain years of Torinos, sadly these clips are not reproduced at this time, but perhaps one day???
My 71 Comet 2 door that I had way back had them, along with the chrome trim that ran along the upper fender arches. I thought about possibly adding some to my current one, but not with a mid-band stripe that I am considering. Either way, I think that, visually, the rocker chrome may have an effect of making the car look higher off the ground than not having it. I traced the number on the clips to probably being used first on a 196os Falcon, so that may assist in finding more/repops. If I recall right, the part number should start "C8...." and that would be 1968.
I have seen generic metal trim fasteners sold on eBay. They are similar to a snap knife, where you break the blade in order to get a fresh tip. You snap the width of the fastener to the right length on each side of the drilled hole (in case the attachment to the car is not centered).
True, but on the Maverick you have no way of attaching the required nut on the back side of the rocker if the style clip you are describing is used.
50/50 on the look but I personally wouldn't .... just another thing to trap dirt, moisture, and rust issues on cars prone to lower rot problems + if the clips are non existent so far I doubt anyone would be willing to 'play' test dummy with the likeliness of ruining paint/body work to possibly have it go badly
I have mine on, they were pretty common on Comets in my experience - esp with the stainless beltline trim (mine's deleted). Bear in mind there were two different eras of mounting clips as well. Early style had circular depressions in the rocker with a square hole in the center for the clip to press in and 'sit in' and later style featured the 'nail head' style mounting and a the clips with the holes in them that are shown above
Ford Parts Manual states those with the circular depressions/square holes was the 4 door body style only and all 2 doors received the clip in photo above?