After reading various threads while searching for a Maverick this year, I've finally got one and have joined up Look forward to searching through the threads and getting great advice from long-time owners and experts, I am not myself a mechanic and am an 'average joe' with regards to maintenance, but I also have the shop manuals from a previous owner so a lot of good info in them to peruse as well!
Welcome from Hub of the Midwest! Nice car! You might want to give some more info./details on the car. Also, might want to post it in the Garage section of the forum.
from central VA! That is a VERY nice looking Maverick! As Mojo stated post some more pictures and info in the Garage section of the forum.
Yep, thanks guys, I'm browsing through the Garage and some other threads to get a feel for everything, but will get some better pictures also, that was a quick one to show my boss at work
Welcome to our Maverick world on the www. Small world.....there is a Maverick Meet every year in Katy, Texas.