A good buddy of mine, NJShoreMav73, turned me onto Mavericks and this forum. After learning about them for the past few months I realized they are pretty cool toys. If the my eye catches the "right" one, it will find a great home in the garage next to my 550hp 1967 GTO.
That Goat is a great looking car, but we've got some pretty awesome Mavericks here too. Welcome aboard.
Welcome to the board. I once had an opportunity to buy a 1968 GTO. I was all set to put money down on the car when I found the 1969 Mach 1 I would buy instead. I just could'nt break the Ford habit. Good to have you here.
Many thanks for your warm welcome to a fellow car nut, eventhough I am a GM guy! You are correct in that there are many different outlets (repo, nos, used) to purchase GTO parts. You can basically spend a few hrs on the net, a bunch of $$$ and wait about a week until your parts arrive and your build begins. I have massive respect for your mission of restoring and preserving a little-known Ford car which was forced to live in the shadows of other cars Ford chose to promote with giant PR campaigns.