Hey Folks...I run a 351W based stroker with a balancer that has the timing pointer at either the 10 or 11 position (can't remember exactly which it is). Is anyone running an electric water pump with similar timing pointer location that you can actually SEE the timing marks/numbers without having to be a circus contortionist? I can technically see the degree lines now, but have no idea on the actual numbers. I resorted to taking a sharpie and filling in the line for my desired timing...but making quick adjustments is out of the question. The water pump is simply in the way, and blocks the actual numbers from being seen at all. I have an Innovators West balancer with engraved timing lines/numbers pretty much all the way around...I just can't see any of the numbers because of the electric water pump lol. I have no idea what brand the water pump is...it isn't engraved, or badged in any way. Surely someone has a setup where this isn't an issue. Thanks for any help!
Can you fab up a pointer and secure it to a location that you can see it and install some timing tape on it for your marks once you have determined tdc
Morning Mike!...Yes, I can probably do that, but I just can't believe that's the only solution lol. I'm not convinced yet (or more truthfully...don't want to believe ) that after spending around $500 for a beautiful balancer...that the only way I'm going to be able to utilize it for timing is by putting a $2 piece of tape on it lol. I think I'm going to just rotate the crank/cam around until I find an acceptable spot, fab up either a different bracket/pointer, or something similar, and use that particular cylinder for the timing. I honestly think it's just the design of the electric water pump...and if anyone else is running one that doesn't have an issue seeing their timing marks...then by all means...let me know what kind it is lol. Pictures would help also.
I hear yah Tom those timing tapes are flaky anyhow, you'll figure it out. Its a pain to see the mark on my car also with stock pump and pointer maybe I will let you figure it out and follow your lead, LOL