I'm digging into replacing and cleaning things all over the car and I've come to the rubber lines on the car. (Fuel and vac hoses) Do I have to get special ones or can I use generic ones and cut them to length?
Yep. Any parts house will have rolls of various sizes. Make sure you get lines marked FUEL to replace fuel lines.
...And if you happen to be replacing rubber lines for an external transmission cooler, there's a specific hose for that too.
Vaccum line routing diagram!! Where can I get one of these for a '74 302 w/c4 auto? I have very few clues as to what goes where and why. I retimed after installing an ignition module, when I unhooked the vaccum line to the distributor the engine speed didn't change. It has, what appears to be, a "switching valve" with 3 line connectors, which looks like a temp sensor of some kind. I have no idea if the lines are to the right places. The shop manual I have is for a '75......... Sometimes progress sucks!! ??????????????????????????????????? **************************************** IF IT'S GOT BOOBS OR WHEELS IT'S GONNA COST YA!
I have the vacuum line diagram for the Maverick. PM me your email address and I will scan it and send it your way.
I bought an intake that had no EGR valve, then threw all the other vacuum stuff away. All I needed to keep was the pcv line, and the vacuum line to the distributor (which I currently have off as well). I think you could pull it all off and just plug the egr, then maybe need a couple of minor adjustments possibly. You need to make sure there is no vacuum leak or it will run like crap until they are all plugged.
Hmm..... This sounds interesting. Are there any advantages to this? I like the idea of eliminating some of that crap. Also can I get a copy of the vacuum diagram form you? I googled for a quick second here and I didn't find any intakes so far. Any suggestions on where to look?
You can order the intakes from your local parts house. Just tell them which one you want. Or you can go to Summit or JEGS online. I think some of the intakes with EGR had just a plate between the intake and the carb, and if you remove that plate, you can put the carb back on and then scrap all the junk. Advantages: Looks better, may have a little more power. No worries about poor running and having to figure out which vacuum line has a leak is the biggest. Especially if you have tried to track down a vacuum leak in the past.
Do you have the vacuum line diagram for a 1975 Maverick - 250? We are thinking to just plug all the smog lines, they are not required here.
These may help.. http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/75vac_woAC.html http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/75vac_wAC.html