Anyone painted or thought about painting their bumbers a matte black. Thinking about doing more or a low gloss paint with Black matte accents like the hood scoop and stuff. Thought about maybe going with matte bumpers instead of the normal chrome(which I also like) just not sure about it. What do you think? Any experience?
I tend to agree with Larry. You may be able to pull it off if it was a total murdered out job, but I like chrome. Having said that, it is your car to do with as you like.
For me, body color determines bumper paint. certain colors would look ok with black where others would be good with a silver. I'm not a huge fan of body color bumpers, they tend to look dated like 90's street rods with pastel colors and scallops.
I paint the INSIDE of the bumpers .. I think it helps with the longevity and prevents a rust build up . I use the chrome bumpers and only paint the bumper if it's too far gone . I've seen some nice setups but usually the bumpers are painted the SAME color as the car. Just my take on that .
Body color can look good on bumpers, but I thing one has to paint ALL the chrome body color. Grill, headlight surrounds, etc.
Thanks! That's pretty much what it is, that is my buddies shop. He is a self taught mechanic who now restores cars in his free time. My cars unfortunately spend more time at his house than they do at mine.
I use Rust Bullet silver on the back of bumpers. we had some on one of Earl's and when he sent it to be rechromed the lady called and wanted to know what it was. she said the dechroming process wouldn't strip it off. when we got the bumper back it was still there...
Roger, total car has been restored. New hood with 3" black scoop. Looking at getting a black spoiler made too. Frank, bumbers are in Ok condition. Not much color change but there are some bibles but no holes. Thought about matching the color to the car once painted. Buddy of mine in North Carolina did that on his maverick. Thanks William. Picture looks great. That is more what I was thinking. I am not sure about two tone completely but just blacking out all the chrome to give a meaner look.