Hello My 74 maverick with power steering makes a really loud grinding/scraping noise when I turn the wheel “too” much in either direction. I believe the scraping occurs quicker when I make a right turn opposed to a left. I would like to start to replace steering components to try and fix the issue. This piece inside my engine bay connecting to the steering wheel can use some attention. What is this piece called? Should I replace the whole thing? Or do I only need to replace the gaskets, etc?
That piece is called a rag joint, you can just replace the worn part. The noise you are hearing is the power steering pump, they will do that when wheel is turned as far as it will go and putting more pressure on it, check your fluid level. It is possible the pump is going bad but if noise goes away after you let pressure off the wheel it is more than likely still good
That rag joint needs replacement "sooner than later". You may have to unbolt the steering column and slide it back a little to get joint off -- not sure -- been a few year since I had my column out to replace steering box and rag joint. Any way you go, spray fastners w/ some kind of lubricant a few times B4 proceeding. Also, working between the shock towers and firewall a little inconvient.
Thank you both! Can you confirm this rag joint will work for my car? https://www.ebay.com/itm/70-77-Maverick-75-80-Granada-65-79Thunderbird-Steering-Coupler-Rag-Joint/322442718163?hash=item4b13156bd3:g:h58AAOSwofxUchm0 Hopefully it’s not too difficult!
Shop around, that's probably 2x price it should be. Most any auto parts or Amazon, Rockauto etc should have it.
Thanks for the heads up!! If I only need to replace the gasket/seal thing, can I just get this? 1/4 of the cost. https://www.oreillyauto.com/detail/...2/4527395/1974/ford/maverick?q=Coupler&pos=10
The original rag joint in my car was riveted together, so in order to replace the flexible part of the coupler would have been more work than just replacing the whole assembly. It was already enough swearing just trying to get the assembly out, I did not want to add more to it.
I would replace entire joint; either way, may have to slip the entire column reward to get joint apart/removed -- so may as well do it w/ less frustration as possible.
Will do! Couldn’t find anything in stock at my local auto parts store. Going to order online. https://www.summitracing.com/parts/sdk-c7oz-3a525-a?seid=srese1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2Nufvc3r6gIVTNbACh2yBA-6EAkYAiABEgJwbvD_BwE will this work? Does not specifically say 74 Maverick, but it comes up when I google 74 ford Maverick rag joint.
Not sure if that one will work, it might. Spline and shaft diameter probably determine if it will work. Someone w/ knowledge about this will hopefully, chime in.. Possibly check /w Drake on fitment issue. I have Borgenson joint on my car; I will look at paperwork and see what part # and if it specifies spline/shaft sizes and you can see if it matches what Drake offers.
Borgeson joint on my car states: 67-70 Mustang, their part # 990016. If the shaft spec's are 11/16 *36 spline -- you should be ok. Hope this helps...
I'm yet to see a difference in any '60s/'70s Ford rag joint, reguardless of car line. Steering boxes for '68 Fairlane/Torino/Falcon/Ranchero/Cyclone through '80 Granada are all interchangeable(incl Mav/Comet). All '66 and some '67 models used a solid shaft but can be interchanged if column is swapped as well. Mustang/Cougar use a different box but AFAIK rag joints are same.
Thank you guys! I found the borgueson rag joint on their website for ~$77. I’m going to order and see if the summit racing one fits due to price and because it shows compatible for some of the 70s mustangs. I will update if it fits. Plan B will to order the one from borgueson! thank you all again!