when you say... key switch...are you referring to the key tumbler in the column or the ignition switch on the bottom of the steering column?
You choice is probably mainland China, Hong Kong or NOS from ebay. Possibly Standard may still offer replacement, doesn't mean made in USA though.
key tumbler , i replaced mine with a new one about a year ago and it will sometimes turn and start the car without th e key in it not sure why it does this but i dont like it and sometimes my car has a short and will shut the whole are down mainly when i turn headlights on or tapping the brake and activating the brake switch ,we have search for everything but now im thinking the switch may be the gremlin. it never did this before i replaced it
Even with tumbler operating without the key, that isn't likely your problem. You apparently have a electrical issue(think actual switch) vs a mechanical. Possibly the switch alignment is incorrect. Neither headlights or brake light circuits pass through the ign switch.
either way the switch should be looked at replacing ? i really dont like that it will start without a key