Well, today was the day I have been waiting for. It all started with a hole in the radiator, then replacing the water pump, then the fuel pump, then a little cleaning, and now this is where I am! I ended up tearing as much off the engine as possible so I could paint the engine compartment without taking the engine out. I sanded, primed and painted the inner fenders, firewall and radiator support. Then I decided the engine compartment looked too good for the engine, so I painted that too. I bought the car for my father and I to work on. Well, lets just say he was more of a spectator! But I'm happy he didnt get his hands dirty. First time I ever did something like this, so I'm pretty proud of it. There is nothing like feeling you get after tightening thewing nut of the air cleaner and stepping back.... I know its not a professional job, and I'm sure there are a few flaws in the way it looks, but here is my before and...well, not after, but current shot. I still gotta hook up fuel line, vacuum lines, heater lines, and drop in a radiator, new oil filter (the half blue look doesnt work for me)but it's all down hill from here!! Sorry to bore ya with the long post, but I'm happy and wanted to share it with all you guys that have helped me so far. Thanks!! Steve
Thanks guy....I appreciate the compliments! I just cant wait till its all done! Seems like the more progress I make the more I just wanna keep going till its up and running Any special precautions I should take before I start it? It hasnt been running in about 2 months. I need to do an oil change, think I should just wait till after I get it running?
Holy crap... you say a first timer... very nice job... hope mine comes out that good...mine is like your b4 rite now.. am trying to finish this by july ... keep up the good work
VERY NICE JOB !!! I did mine the same way when I had my 6 cyl in it, but I did the engine first and then wrapped it in a bedsheet and did the compartment. You should be very proud...........
This is the car! I took this pic right before the radiator went and this whole thing started In this pic I just replaced the leaf springs and shocks.....sits a little too low for my taste. Once I am done with all this I'm gonna order a set of leaf springs with an extra 2" of lift. I also got a straight front bumber that I won on ebay on the way..... Then I gotta polish the slots.
My engine also looks like your before shot. And you did that in a day? Wow, I'm very impressed, that's a heck of a nice job. Keep up the good work.