Well it's almost that time of year again when the Good Guys hold their All American show in Pleasanton. I usually try to go to these since they are only 10 miles away. If anyone else wants to show up, we can try to park together. Usually there is only one Maverick (mine) at the show. I get a lot of favorable attention. 5th All American Get-Together presented by Eagle-One Alameda County Fairgrounds — Pleasanton, CA March 24, 25, 2007 All years American made & American powered rods, customs, classics, muscle cars, trucks and specialty cars welcome. You can register at www.good-guys.com for $25 bucks plus Good Guys membership (another $30 for the year). There are two more shows in Pleasanton open to all American cars, one in June and another in November. Roz
The Goodguys show is in a little over a week. I'll be there. Will any of you guys in Northern California be there too? It would be nice to have more than one Maverick there this year. Roz
Two '73 Grabbers at Goodguys It was a beautiful day in Pleasanton, CA today. The Alameda Fairgrounds filled up quickly and cars kept coming in all moring. A nice man with three little boys stopped by my Maverick and said he had the same car in white with green. He didn't have it in the show, but in the parking lot. I drove over to see it on my way home, and took some pix.
Wow...kool car! Thanks for the pics...did you let him know about the website? I'll be driving past you in about a month(April 20)...are we still on for coffee or something? I can PM you my phone #...
It amazes me how people can take a great looking car like that, and put disgusting looking wheels on it.
Yes, he is an MCCI member, but he didn't know about this board. I told him about it, so we'll see if he starts posting. He told me his name. I think it is Larry, but I'm very forgetful, so I could be completely wrong. He said he's the second owner of the car. So I don't know if he put the wheels on it, or the first owner did. We didn't talk for very long. Roz