Well today and last night my car has been really acting weird. My gas line is leaking every where, but i dont know where from, when i turn the wheel it makes a horrible humming noise, and half the time when i turn it dies. when i start it a screching sounds. and with the Cowls, wind shield, doors, windows, and trunk leaking, also paint chiping and my engines rings are almost gone, A nice dark blue 84 lifted Bronco II down the Road is looking better and better.
gas line i would lift it up and see if there are any obvious cracks or loose connections in the line, the humming when you turn is your power steering fluids probably low, about the dying does it miss at all?, screeching sound is probably one of your belts, door window and trunk leaks you can fix yourself just gotta get some new seals and put em in i think jc whitney has some that fit good, windshield seal i recommend having a glass shop fix, dont know about cowl leaks, paint chips need well...new paint, and rings well another fairly obvious fix
Well My power Steering pump has a leak so I'll need a new one of those, my Radiator has a leak, and i've usded that stuff thats suppose to stop leaks, and my radiator is for a V6 and my engine is a V8 so ill need to replace that. I just put in a Starter and Solinoid, this stuff is adding up, and what did u mean "does it Miss at all" when im stoped at a red light or stop sign and try to take off it just dies, so i have to go real slow which pisses off the people behind me.
a miss is when one of your cylinders doesnt fire properly and if its bad enough you can feel it it feels kind of like the engine shakes. if it only dies full throttle it could be your choke.
Or is my Carb set to high or lean? I have played around with it a little but i still have the same prob. How do you make the cylinder fire properly?
I dont wana part it out I have already put in so much money i might sell it. It has a nice paint job, im going to fix it up to make it look nice. How much do you think i should sell it for. Im gana put in some new cheap carpet, the interior is nice, but just all these other problems, make it a money hog.
...you got to "love'um or leave'um". for it's worth...by the way you describe it...not much :sorry: ...:Handshake ...
the engine stalling at a light could be as simple as adjusting the idle set screw, or it could be that the fuel is not getting to the carb because of the leak dont give up too soon on it.. all the issues sound like simple fixes
Focus on the real issues. No point in putting in new carpet when the seals and cowl are leaking. You're just wasting your money. Go back to the basics for tuning a car. Lots of info across this site for that. Check that the fuel is getting to carb, check that the timing is correct. Check that the plugs & wires are in good condition, in the proper firing order, and have spark at each cylinder. Check that the mechanical & vacuum advances are in working order. Check for vacuum leaks. After that is all checked look into tuning the carb. All of this "checking" only takes time and no (or little) money.
Hey, if you need a radiator, I've got one, not sure if it was supposed to be used for the 72 I bought awhile ago... the guy put the radiator in the car so I'm assuming it'll work... lol if you need one, worth a shot if you haven't already, just pay the shipping and she's all yours, sorry if anyone wants a picture of this radiator to make sure he'd be getting the right one, let me know
Hey, also here's a thought, go to a radiator shop, they'll rebuild your radiator for you for the fraction of the cost you would pay for a new, just a thought