Finally found someone here to replace my headliner. A local Mustang club member hooked me up with a shop. Comet was left this morning, should have it back next week or so when they get to it. I was told only 1 ole timer glass man in the area, they will wait to get him scheduled. Carpet is ready at home, replacment door panels, need some seat belts replacments..redo bottom bench cover and the interior will be done soon.
Tom, Look forward to seeing the finished product I got the photos of the BG's taken, now I can't find my download cable... It's hard to believe I'm bald, not blond Lou
Don, first I called everyone in the Memphis yellow pages only 1 person even make an offer $600--pass. Got an email out to a former employee that had a mustang here, he got me in touch with the local mustang club that posted it, and a guy that does custom paint etc called me. The owner did it himself for $150(rear seat and panels already out) $120 for glass company to pull and reinstall front and back glass.
120 for them the remove and reinstall the windows?? wow.. thats cheap.. i am assuming that included the gaskets?
Updated new headliner pictures Here they are, had throat surgey Friday, wont be able to finish the interior now for a few here what she looks like now...New dome bezel and lens also..