Anyone going to cars for kids in selmer tenn. this sat 16th?? The only car show I know of where they(the police) close down main st. and your allowed to do burn outs as you leave the show!! Anyone from the olive branch/memphis area going?? I'am going down hwy 72 to corinth ms ,45 to selmer.
Got to work this weekend ....PM me I lost your number.. Do you have orange big bumper Maverick I saw about 2 weeks ago near the Walmart on HWY 302? The Collierville show is Sept 29th if you can make it. TOm in Collierville.
Hope no one from our group was hurt here...Breaking news story.
Yep.....that'll pretty much finish off burnouts around crowds..... Wonder what happened? Linelock fail? Inexperienced driver? I hope nobody from here was hurt..... and I sure hate it for the folks that were......and the families of those that were killed.
Yes we are all Ok .we are very shook up. it happen about 30 yards from me. my son was about 20 ft away and he ran in to help.It was a horrible scene .I saw bodies(5-6) flying .It is as bad as the tv showing.when we left 6 air-wings had landed.PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR THE go to a car show for good time..........note: all the people were standing were they told to stand,behind the white line!!!my son saw more than a 17 yo should ....He is changed.he was helping a 19yo who had serious head injury.talking to he till ema arrived
Thats a pretty awful thing to happen at a car show. Glad to here you and your family are OK.
I just got done reading the news story about the drag car incident at the show. Very sad indeed. It's terrible when something that should be a good time for all turns tragic. My heart goes out to those who were injured and to the families of those who lost loved one.
Tragedy at a burn out contest This is sad. I always thought burn out contest were dumb. Even under controlled conditions, things can happen.
This was no inexperienced driver. Troy Critchley is one of the premier drivers in all of Pro Mod. HOWEVER......this incident highlights the dangers of high horsepower cars + city streets + spectators being too close. An accident of this nature does not happen at sanctioned drag strips. Something like this takes place after midnight on a deserted road with people milling around the "starting line". This DOES NOT HAPPEN with a nationally known car and driver. An accident like this will do nothing more than give professional drag racing a serious black eye. It will also damage the Cars for Kids organization which is a damned shame. Having said that......Troy Critchley should have known better. The event coordinators should have known better. My heart goes out to the injured, the deceased and their families, and also to Troy. He may recover physically from this incident but he will have to live with it mentally forever. Just keep this in mind the next time you think the street is clear enough for a short "test shot". It might not be your kid but it could be someone's kid. Or it could be you.
Wow. That is sad. The burnout contests that have the car's front tires being held back by some type of chock sound safe enough (provided a roots blower doesn't launch into the crow). I don't know if the event mentioned had some type of blockade or not.
Who allows a car like that to do a burnout in a parade held on a city steet lined with people?!? The driver of that car should have said 'no way is that safe!'... The news said there was a simple gaurdrail where he started the burnout, but where he ended up was just people on the side of the road. Stupid. I pray for those injured and affected, but the driver and event organizers that planned this should be strung up.